full name: go away
nicknames: calico, california
birthplace: hell
birthday: december 16
where do you live now: phobos
looks: 5'4, short blonde hair, bug eyes
favorite animals: cats, snakes, deer
favorite tv show: yellowjackets and mindhunter
favorite kinds of music: alternative? rock
favorite movies: longlegs, gummo
future job: vet or writer
bf/gf: no
best buds: dont rlly have any besides my girl f*
favorite candy: sherbies
hobbies: music, web surfing, spending time in nature
things you collect: snowglobes, antiques, nightgowns
favorite body part on opposite sex: dick
any tattoos: soon, when im not broke
piercings: none
what do you sleep in: pajamas
do you like chain letters: hell NO
best advice: get out as soon as you can
non-sport activty you enjoy: reading, hiking, sex
dream car: volkswagen bug
whats your bedtime: whenever im tired
where do you shop: online
coke or pepsi: vanilla coke
favorte thing to wear: my pink heeled boots with the hearts
favorite subject in school: english
favorite color: pink
root beer or dr pepper: both gross
do you shave: everyday
favorite vacation spot: katoomba
the one person you hate the most: too many to count
favorite food: pizza
who is the hottest person in the world: ville valo
do you believe in aliens: hell ya i do
do you want to be buried or cremated: buried
things you obsess over: yellowjackets, ed kemper
favorte day of the week: sunday or wednesday
favorite season: autumn
what toppings do you like on your pizza: pepperoni
if you could live anywhere, where would you live: finland
favorite thing to do on weekends: drink
favorite flower: daisy
favorite number: 14
favorite ice cream flavour: chocolate fudge
what kind of people are you attracted to: good humor, match my energy
if you could change one thing about yourself: weight
favorite time of day: 5pm
can a guy and girl just be friends: yes
most important thing in someones personality: honesty